While VSB has some great points to make I must say that mine are much different then his. Maybe it's because I haven't had the same breakupable offenses come up like he has. I've only introduced one boyfriend to my parents and he never cursed in front of them. I've never dated anyone who had a sex change or had out of the ordinary fetishes. So while all of these things are valid offenses I wanted to talk about some of the reasons why I would ditch the itch.
1. Lazy - You can be a lot of things or you can be not much of anything, but laziness is NOT acceptable. Don't have a job? I don't care, just don't be lazy about chores and house work. Drink all day? I don't care, just make sure you're not to drunk to go out and have a good time. Sleep all day? Fine by me, but when I come home you better be energized and ready to go play volleyball or some other outdoor activity. I'm always on the go and looking for the next best attraction, so if you become a part of the decor in my house I'm moving on to someone who's alive and kicking.
2. YELLING - If you raise your voice loud enough to make doves cry you had better just pack your bags and be out the door. I may have had crap happen in my past, who knows, but I am a nervous nelly around men that raise their voice. It's not like I would boot someone for yelling once, but if it becomes a habit or something you enjoy doing and not even meditation can soothe my soul then you's gosta go.
3. Hitting/ Violence - This is just not normal. If you can't help but take your frustrations out on someone by using physical violence them I'm just going to assume you're not intelligent enough to find a new method to your madness. No one, not even a woman should lay a hand on a man in any relationship. Didn't we all learn the same stuff in pre-school? Keep your hands to yourself?
4. Cheating - This is just obvious for almost every relationship I know. If you are so bored with me that you have to go out and cheat then you might as well just stay gone because I'm not touching that magic stick again. I'm so open about stuff anyways that half of the time if a man asked me if it was cool to sleep with another woman I would just tell him "have at it, but remember... for every girl you sleep with I get to sleep with another man". So far I've never had a guy take me up on that. hmmm not sure why. Fair is fair, right?
5. Lying - I didn't put this in any order, but if I did it would be on the top of the list. If I'm dating someone they're suppose to be a friend, and if I can't trust a friend then why are we together? I want someone who I can trust and tell my deepest secrets and thoughts to. If they lie to me then how can I trust anything else that they've ever said or done. Not to mention that I can't lie so you won't ever catch me in a lie. My face tells everything so I stopped lying a long time ago.
6. Gay - I love all my gay and bi peeps, but if you're a dude sleeping in my bed then you damn well better not like penis more then me. If you do I will be more then happy to help you out of the closet and into the bed that is just right goldy locks. I'm really not interested in being your fag hag or your pretend girlfriend. This has happened more times then anyone should have to put up with in a lifetime.
What are some of your Breakupable Offenses? I'd love to hear some of the reasons why you've broken it off with someone or what would make you tell someone to take a hike. Let me see your comments.