It’s times like today when all I can think about is starting the day over. Most people might start their bad day off by stubbing their toe or waking up late for work. I on the other hand lie in bed already dreading the morning because I had to deal with some unforeseen work related issues (to be discussed at another time) that started two days ago. Once I finally realize what time it was I jump out of bed and end up stepping on my already sick cat as I tried to make it to the bathroom blindly? This turns into a nightmare because not only did Dexter take off running away from mommy, but now mommy has to hunt him down to feed him his morning pill. "Here kitty kitty, Here Dexter mommy loves you and wants to make you better. "
Leaving it up to the fridge gods and allowing me to have just enough milk to coax the little stinker out, he comes running around the corner to greet my feet with purrs and tiny meows. I bend down to pretend to pet him and he already knows what’s up, so he starts to run for it. I tackle him down to the ground and start cranking open his mouth just wide enough to shove the pill down his throat. Once I finally get the pill in his mouth and I’ve had it closed for about 45 seconds or so I assume the fight is over and I can go on with my terrible day. Yeah okay, nice thought. I turn around and Dexter has spit out the half dissolved pill on the floor. Now I have to try this amazing trick again with what seems to be a less accurate dose of the pill and less time to get on the road for work.
After twenty minutes dealing with the cat I start heading out the door. Got my sunglasses, wallet, paperwork, shoes on and I’m off. I walk out the kitchen door into the garage which locks behind me and I realize that I don’t have my shirt on. Nope no shirt, because for some reason I've gotten in the habit of putting that on last. Duh! Looking around I’m glad that I don’t have any windows in my garage or my neighbors would be less than impressed with the view. I finally crack open the door, grab my shirt from the dryer and head on out. Almost getting 50 points for running over the neighborhood kids (don’t worry, I missed them) I remember that I have to get the HOA newsletter done this weekend and I forgot to get my oil changed. Ughh could my day get any worse?
Late as all get out and I still manage to stop at the first Starbuck’s that I see. Immediately as I walk in the door and wait in that morning line my mood changes. It’s like someone is touching my shoulder and saying “it’s okay you’re almost at the bright light of milky chai tea heaven”. I then noticed that my day just became even more amazing because Starbuck’s brought back their fruit and cheese plate! Holy YAY! I have my Iced chai tea in hand and I’m off to start my day all over again.
I personally believe that if more pissy people had an outlet like this or a place to chill out then it would be a better world. What is your outlet?
p.s. I would like to point out that I am not so self absorbed that I forgot to recognize that this day could have been a lot worse and that there are tougher lives out there. There are people all over the world much worse off than I am and I truly do hope that they also have a Starbuck’s or an outlet that will make their day better. I also would like to point out that I do my best to keep them in my prayers on the days that I’m not pissing and moaning about my horrible life. On those days I’m praying that there is a Starbuck’s close by.