Much like 2008 I dabbled in some relationships. One of which was an on again off again relationship that I should have determined dead on arrival when the red flags started to roll in. Not that it was completely bad, but it was like a night of drinking tequila only to realize the hang over sucks the next day (and the cheating wasn't cool either). He was the kind of guy that made me feel like the sun shined out of my ass. Soon to be a shit storm from the mid west blanketing my heart and my self esteem. Congratulations for making me aware of all my problems and issues. I’ll make sure to work on those.
Then there was the rebound. Ahh the rebounds are usually so much fun. It’s even better when the rebound comes in a package that’s 10 years younger and 6” taller then the man he's replacing. Way to go Jenni! However, it was very short lived when the rebound decided to yell at me in public and embarrassed me in front of my friends. Lol I’m sure he realized what he did wrong when he had a 5 mile walk home that night.
Moving on…

Let’s be honest… instead of thinking that the cat thing was horrible I’m looking at the glass as half full and I’m honestly happy that they are healthy again. It’s just the bank account that’s looking a little sick right now.
Next we have my career. Lol Ohh God you know enough about this and I don’t think I need to explain it to him anymore. Let’s just hope that my prayers are being answered in 2012. And again with the honesty train, I’m thankful that I have a job and it pays my bills. I just think it should start paying my health insurance bills since it’s mainly the cause of why I’m going to the doctor. Okay, okay I’ll shut up.
Last but not least, I can't go through this year without giving thanks to the things that made me happy. So I want to say thank you to all my friends who stuck with me through thick and thin. The friends who didn’t deceive me, lie to me, or deliberately hurt my feelings. Here’s to the friends that listened when I needed them, guided me when no one else could, and showed up when no one else did. I love you all and if it weren’t for you I probably would have packed up and left this state by now.

I must welcome 2012. May it bring everyone good health, prosperity, good friends, caring family and a change for the better. Let’s hope that my bank account won’t be so sick this year, my career will blossom, my friends will stay true and maybe I’ll run into the man that changes the way I think of men and makes me realize love does exist in the right person.