She arrived on Wednesday but because of her 24 hours worth of flights I decided to wait another 24 hours to see her. I suppose I was being courteous and giving her some well needed rest. Too bad her 1 year old didn't give her that same courtesy. I went to Nate's parents house to visit them and to hug her adorable little boy Wyatt. They say that he cries a lot, but he sure liked hugging Auntie Jenni. He seems to enjoy doing squats with me. I plan on making him part of my new workout routine. He's 25 pounds of fun love and screams and it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Eww that didn't sound right. Well for those that know me, know what I mean. Baby fever is kicking in.

I bet Courtnnie and Nate can't wait to take him to the beach to play in the sand and splash in the water. Hopefully I can convince them to play in the sand at volleyball instead of the beach. There aren't any sharks at volleyball.