Nothing was off limits. We could talk about anything. The idea was to bring women of all ages, backgrounds, single, married, gay, with kids, without kids, and/or whatever to take part of a group discussion about life and it's challenges and joys. Pretty much all you have to do is promise alcohol and sweets and these chicks lined up at the door. They brought a favorite dish to share which was also a delight.
We started off just mingling and talking about the dishes that everyone brought. We enjoyed Mimosas and Sangrias while munching on pumpkin monkey bread and quiche. Yummy! I made sure to write up a few conversation starters and placed them in between napkins and under couch pillows. If you found one you had to read it out loud and answer it. We found out fun facts about each other, like who would help you hide a body if you needed to and who would turn you in. I love you Vilma, but I'm gonna have to hook up with my girl Stephanie if the time ever comes (just kidding people). There were questions about your first kiss, your biggest surprise and many more.

What I realized after having this beautiful event was that more women should open up to each other. It helps build confidence and security within yourself when you hear other people processing decisions that they made.
This Bellas Brunch went so well that we plan on having one every other month or so. Hopefully we can keep thinking of great topics to bring up and discussions to share and enlighten the others. I know I have a few topics that I'd love to discuss with my expanding female friends.