That was 2 years ago and I forget to be proud of myself for keeping MOST of it off. For a while now I've been fluctuating between 200 and 206lbs and I'm ready to make the next big move.
Since getting engaged I thought this would be a perfect time to get back on the wagon and start doing something good for my health again. My aunt Linda told me about these shakes that were helping her and my other aunt (Kathy) lose weight. My mom caught wind of the shakes and she started them too. They are AMAZING! Even though I could have easily gone back to the other diet that worked for me when I started at 260lbs I wasn't keen on the flavor. This shake on the other hand tastes and smells like CAKE! Hello!!! Remember that celebration I had once I hit under 200lbs where I ate CAKE?

By the way, if you're interested in going on this diet/lifestyle change with me than check it out here www.jennireilly.bodybyvi.com. If you sign up and try it out all you have to do is get 3 more people to do the challenge with you and your shakes will be free. Although this is a money making shake/diet I have to tell you that my #1 goal is to lose weight for myself. So you can either try this one or you can check out the company that sold me the other shakes that only tasted half as good as these but still helped me lose a bunch of weight. They obviously worked, but I had to do a lot more weight management stuff with those shakes than I have to do with these. That website is http://mydietshopz.com/ and the shakes were under the HIGH PROTEIN section.
Either way, I would love to hear any and all stories that helped people get into better shape. I think that the more people can talk openly about what helps them feel better and stay in shape the more supportive people become during this lifestyle change.