The list of ingredients include herbs like Hibiscus Sabdariffa, which is a starch blocker, Eucalyptus Globulus which is an anti-inflammatory. It also has Avena Sativa which helps lower the bad cholesterol better known as LDL. The components of the tea should definitely help with overall health, but I'm not sure the claim of losing weight can be determined without case studies.
The only true hangup I have with the Infinite Joy Herbal Tea product is the name. I don't like when companies call something a tea when it isn't. I realize I'm being super picky here, but this product is not an actual tea. It's caffeine free and it's made up of herbs not the Camellia sinensis plant which all tea comes from. If should be considered an Herbal Blend or Herbal Drink instead of using the word tea. Outside of my silly little hangup this product is really good to drink in the morning to energize you. If you'd like to purchase a bag you can visit their Amazon store by clicking here.