Although I didn’t know Jeanne Bice as a connected friend I did meet her and she did open her home up to my sister (Patti Reilly) on Thanksgiving one year. My sister had a QVC show with Jeanne on Thanksgiving and the show was done on location at Jeanne’s home in Florida. In my family we always try to have Thanksgiving together, but over the past few years our family has been so spread apart geographically that it’s almost impossible anymore. During this time I hadn’t seen my sister in quite a while and it meant everything to me to go visit her in Florida and experience this Thanksgiving with someone that meant so much to her (Jeanne).

On Thanksgiving we pulled up to this amazing house where people were scurrying around to get set up for the show and for the dinner. As you walked into this house you felt like you were home. It had a beautiful cinnamon apple smell and a yellowish gold glow throughout. A Christmas tree was already set up by the fireplace lit up and decorated to Jeanne’s taste. Every piece of furniture and picture was inspiring. The whole vibe throughout this home made you feel like you should be smiling or asking people if they need help. Not a soul around was in a bad mood. You couldn’t possibly.