It’s called GreenOrganix Restaurant & Emporium and it was delicious. Not only was it clean and friendly atmosphere, but the smell is delightful. Our waiter was very receptive and he understood my concern about the menu items all being gluten free. He helped my girlfriend and I choose what items to try. Amazing! I love when the wait staff has enough pride in their own cooks to offer up their most flavorful foods. Spring rolls and chicken salad it is!
When the spring rolls came they were fresh and colorful and perfect for two people. So my friend and I shared them. Not being a fan of sauce I decided to try mine without the sauce that was offered. Big mistake. I took one bite and was scared to take another, until my friend told me to try it with the sauce. Holy cow is that good. Somehow it completely transformed the roll. Then our chicken salad came. Mine with a ranch type sauce (nothing like real ranch) and my friend with a Greek sauce. Both were absolutely to die for and I almost wished we hadn’t split the chicken salad. It was so moist and delicious that we both finished our salads in 5 minutes flat.
To sum it up… this place was a two thumbs up for both of us. I would definitely go back again the next time I’m in the area. It had a pleasant glow to the atmosphere, great food, and great service. So the next time you’re gallivanting through Clearwater and you want something that serves beer, wine, and refreshing food stop into GreenOrganix Restaurant & Emporium. Well worth it!