The Freezer Tiki Bar may not look like much from the outside, but follow the hoards of people that are gathering to get some grub and you'll be pleasantly surprised. When we started to walk up we were a little nervous that we were going into the back door of some weird marina or something, but once we got through the plastic door strips we saw that this place has character. The Freezer Tiki Bar was filled to the brim. Everyone was hustling and bustling around with a ton of smiley faces. People at the bar were already saying hello as we walked by, families were sitting with their children at the fold out tables and chairs and retirees were sitting at the high tops drinking buckets of beer.

They gave us our clam chowder and drinks right away which was nice because the wait time for our meal was about 10 minutes longer than you'd expect. It got to the point where we were wondering if we should go back in to check on our food. The atmosphere and the people keep you busy for most of the wait, but it still seemed like a long time. Once our food was ready they do bring it out to your table. It comes in a take-out box which makes it easy if you're looking to get going right away. The chowder tasted great! There was plenty of clams in it and the potatoes and seasoning was the perfect mixture. When our half order of steamed shrimp came we were please to see that it was plenty to split between two people. Maybe even three people if you come with a light appetite. The shrimp had a light cajun seasoning and cocktail sauce and butter garlic sauce on the side to dip. It worked out perfectly for Courtnnie and I because I liked the cocktail sauce and she was enjoying the butter garlic sauce. Both were tasty.