He is extremely bright and he loves the arts. He recently participated in the Science Olympics at MOSI. He is on the Math Bowl Team, he plays the violin, and he is in chorus. He was chosen to participate in the Model United Nations and Odessy of the Minds this year. He is also doing independent study projects and extra math projects to keep his mind occupied so he does not get bored in class. He was chosen and volunteered for all of this, I did not push for the extracuricular activites but I am glad he is a participant.
He has always been a straight A student. He brought home his progress report for the 2nd nine weeks. He is in danger of getting three B's. This is where my question comes in to play, where to draw the line? He is in danger of three B's not because he is not intelligent enough to get A's, it is because he gets lazy and unorganized and sometimes won't do his homework. He is aware if he brings home B's on the next report card due to simply "not caring" he is going to be grounded all of the 3rd nine weeks from television, the computer, and video games.
Some of you may feel this is harsh because he is only 10 and only in 4th grade and B's are good...yada yada yada....I understand where you are coming from. You have to also understand where I am coming from. I understand B's are good grades however; they are not acceptable if it is earned simply by not wanting to do your assignments. Good habits start early. Fourth grade is not too early to instill good work ethics and study habits. In fact, up until this year he had no issues with missing assignments.
Some people may look at me as a mom who is pushing too hard, others will view me as a person who wants to make sure her child lives up to his potential. I would rather be a mother who cares to much opposed to a mother who doesn't care at all.