If you haven't seen television or youtube in the last 8 years then you've missed an AMAZING revolution of Flash Mobs. I've always enjoyed getting the emails with links to these viral videos. Some have made me laugh, smile, cry and even dance in my seat. If you're still wondering what I'm talking about here is Wikipedia's definition of a Flash Mob. A flash mob (or flashmob) is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and sometimes seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, artistic expression or—in rare cases—violence.
You may remember not too many years ago when T-Mobile decided to make a commercial which involved a flash mob at The Liverpool Street Station. It started off with just a couple dancers and what seemed to be many onlookers. As time passes on you realize that more and more people join the flash mob. Although it's incredible to watch the point that most people missed was all of the actual onlookers were using their phones to tape the flash mob. At the end of the dancing routine the mob completely disperses leaving only the onlookers holding their phones telling their friends about it. This was the advertising part. Just watch and you'll see what I mean.
Now, imagine this, you just got your ticket and your heading into the center of Grand Central Station and over one hundred people stop moving at the same time. Workers have to stop what they're doing because they can't get around the random people. You have to walk around them and you may even reach out and touch them to make sure you're not dreaming. This is crazy stuff, check it out.
These are the reasons why I CAN'T WAIT to be a part of a Flash Mob. In just a couple of weeks Thrill St.Pete will be the place where we will have a flash mob. In honor of Michael Jackson we will be dancing the Thriller dance while trying to break the world record for the most people doing Thriller at the same time. Plus it's all for a good cause. The charity this year is the Center for Great Apes, if you'd like to donate or buy a t-shirt please click here. For more information on joining the Flash Mob and being a part of something AWESOME click here. Maybe I'll see you there (if you can pick me out in the zombie costume crowd).